How Your Emotions Can Influence Smart Investing

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. How Your Emotions Can Influence Smart Investing By: Matt Nelson July 9th, 2015We often talk a lot about proper income planning, and managing tolerance, or even how to choose the right advisor. One area of finance that is sometimes neglected is the […]

Is America’s Retirement System Failing You?

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Is America’s Retirement System Failing You? By: Matt Nelson June 30th, 2015Does this sound familiar? Thousands of Baby Boomers rushing into retirement each and every day…pensions underfunded all over the country…Americans living longer and pushing the retirement system to its threshold…you get […]

Investing In The Stock Market In Retirement

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Investing In The Stock Market In Retirement By: Matt Nelson June 25th, 2015So, you’ve retired, huh? Now what? Should you keep all of your money in the stock market? How much risk should you really be taking? Better yet…how much risk can […]

Four Investment Myths That Could Affect You During Retirement

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Four Investment Myths That Could Affect You During Retirement With so many different methodologies and investment philosophies out there today, it is important to sort out the good advice from the bad. Many investors might experience “decision paralysis” when presented with all […]

Comparing Wall Street To Casinos Isn’t Fair – To The Casinos

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Comparing Wall Street To Casinos Isn’t Fair – To The Casinos “Sounds like you guys are a couple of bookies.” – Eddie Murphy, from the movie Trading Places, after being educated about Wall Street commodities trading.There are tons of comparisons from all […]

Longevity Decisions in Retirement

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Longevity Decisions in Retirement People over age 90 are now the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. By mid-century, this population is expected to quadruple. Many researchers currently are studying what the commonalities are for longevity and whether we can replicate […]

The Three Phases Of Your Retirement Life

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. The Three Phases Of Your Retirement Life​ There are fundamental differences and changes that every investor must consider as they move along their retirement path. Investing your money properly for each phase can make a huge difference as far as when you […]

Understanding Your 401(k) Choices

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Understanding Your 401(k) Choices​ The 401(k) account has become one of the most popular and most commonly held investment accounts in the country. Over the past 30-40 years, we have seen the number of 401(k) plans steadily rise and the number of […]

The Cost of Waiting

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. The Cost of Waiting By: Matt Nelson   January 27th, 2015Here is what I mean: Let’s say are are at retirement age and you have a 401(k) plan that has been accumulating (hopefully) for many years that you want to convert into a […]


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Colton G.
Income For Life is an outstanding company and resource for finding the very best income solutions for folks across the country. I would recommend Income For Life to anyone who is looking to create a retirement income plan.
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Love the way this company uses its expertise to help others and use its platform to help others to become familiar, and a part of, Fold of Honor!
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Delightfully professional, persistent, and really absolutely excellent communication .