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Investing In The Stock Market In Retirement
So, you’ve retired, huh? Now what? Should you keep all of your money in the stock market? How much risk should you really be taking? Better yet…how much risk can you truly afford to take? If history has taught us anything about investing in retirement, having too much risk at the wrong time can be completely devastating. Just ask some of the thousands and thousands of people who lost, 20, 30 or even 40% of their retirement nest eggs in the 2008 stock market crash.
If you want to avoid this potential disaster, or the possibility that you may have to re-enter the workforce after you have already retired, you need to tune in to this week’s broadcast of Income For Life Radio and we discuss the basics of investing in the market and why your fundamentals need to change when you invest in the market during retirement. What should you do?
Listen in and find out!
Matt Nelson, president and host of Income For Life Radio
Income For Life LLC
877-284-8929 |

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