Longevity Decisions in Retirement
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Longevity Decisions in Retirement People over age 90 are now the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. By mid-century, this population is expected to quadruple. Many researchers currently are studying what the commonalities are for longevity and whether we can replicate […]
The Correlation Between Gambling and Investing
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. The Correlation Between Gambling and Investing Have you ever gambled at a casino and felt the sheer emotional excitement that winning brings? On the flip side, how you ever lost money and felt the dejection that ensues?What about the stock markets? Do […]
The Three Phases Of Your Retirement Life
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. The Three Phases Of Your Retirement Life There are fundamental differences and changes that every investor must consider as they move along their retirement path. Investing your money properly for each phase can make a huge difference as far as when you […]
Understanding Your 401(k) Choices
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Understanding Your 401(k) Choices The 401(k) account has become one of the most popular and most commonly held investment accounts in the country. Over the past 30-40 years, we have seen the number of 401(k) plans steadily rise and the number of […]
How to Choose the Right Investments For You
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Pride Before A Fall: How Overconfidence Can Lead To Financial Ruin With Scott Souther For the average person, understanding different investment, the choices you have on the employer-sponsored plans, the risk each different options entails, etc…it’s just flat out confusing! If you have […]
Your Behavior and Why it Matters to Your Money
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Your Behavior and Why it Matters to Your Money If you are beginning to prepare for retirement, or you recently retired and you are trying to sort out all of the different options you have, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed! […]
Americans’ Worst Retirement Fears
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Americans’ Worst Retirement Fears How This Applies To Your Financial Planning Strategy The top fear of the American retiree today is healthcare at 28%. A couple who retired in 2014 will need $220,000 to cover healthcare costs in retirement, according to recent […]
The 7 Retirement Income Risks – And How To Avoid Them
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. The 7 Retirement Income Risks – And How To Avoid Them In building your financial ‘house’, your foundation is the most important part. When building this house, your retirement income is your foundation and it must be guaranteed to last as long […]
The Cost of Waiting
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. The Cost of Waiting By: Matt Nelson January 27th, 2015Here is what I mean: Let’s say are are at retirement age and you have a 401(k) plan that has been accumulating (hopefully) for many years that you want to convert into a […]
Occam’s Razor – The Definition of Simplicity
Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Occam’s Razor – The Definition of Simplicity By: Matt Nelson January 12th, 2015Occam’s Razor is a problem-solving principle devised by William of Ockham, who was an English friar and Scholastic philosopher in the 1300’s. The principle states that among competing hypotheses, the […]