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Understanding Your 401(k) Choices

The 401(k) account has become one of the most popular and most commonly held investment accounts in the country. Over the past 30-40 years, we have seen the number of 401(k) plans steadily rise and the number of pension or Defined Benefit plans steady decreasing.
Employers have decided to shift and are now opting to install the less-expensive Defined Contribution plan, so we have seen assets in these plans balloon to unprecedented levels, both due to the sheer amount of plans and participants there are as well as the stock market growth we have experienced over the past 5-6 years.
So how does this affect your retirement income planning strategy in Seattle? Learn more in this blog post, and contact us today with any further questions.
What You Can Expect
Tune in to Income For Life Radio next week as we discuss with our listeners about how to have a better understanding of how important their 401(k) balances are, because the lack of education across all facets of these Defined Contribution systems is blatant. We will discuss:
10 thought-provoking questions about 401(k) plans
Understanding the investment choices inside the 401(k)
The costs and fees that may be associated with your 401(k) plan & choices
The right way to analyze whether or not you should move your money outside of your 401(k) plan
Tune in next week to Income For Life Radio as we discuss these questions, and more.
Get Retirement Income Planning Help In Seattle
Want to learn more about having a 401(k)? Contact our team of professionals at Income For Life. We help individuals across the U.S. with their retirement income planning needs.
Matt Nelson, President and host of Income For Life Radio
877-284-8929 |

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