An Independent Review of Tony Robbins’ new book
Money: Master The Game
7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

Tony Robbins Book Review
There is a lot to like about the new bestselling book from Tony Robbins titled Money: Master The Game. Not only is there a ton of engaging content and topics that are written in a manner so that the novice person can understand, but it is written from the mentality of exploration, as opposed to some financial books that often portray that author as ‘I know it all, so listen to me’. This book does not do that.
The best quality of the book, in my opinion, comes from a place of sincere education on the part of the author, Tony Robbins. On several occasions in the book, Tony reveals that he began this journey of writing this book by doing what so many before him have done when they know they do not have all the answers, but want to do their best to find the answers: He asked questions. He went directly to the top minds in the world, such as Carl Icahn, John Bogle, Warren Buffett, Charles Schwab, etc, and interviewed these people face to face. He soaked up the information like a sponge and was introduced to ideas & concepts that he never knew existed – and learned how some strategies & ideas that he thought were responsible, honest attempts were actually not what he thought they were.
He knew what he did not know.
After all, isn’t this how we all learn? Think about it: If you are a student, you typically have a teacher that is responsible for educating you on the particular subject you are studying. Isn’t that exactly what Tony Robbins is doing in this book? He went right to the top minds in the financial world and he ASKED QUESTIONS – and learned from them, just like a student would do to a teacher. He found out what they do to be successful. He found out how they are wired to be so successful in their field. He studied them and took pages and pages of notes. He soaked up this new knowledge in such a way that it is impossible to not read the book and feel as if Tony is an elementary school boy that is excited to tell the world about what he learned today at school. His personal passion for knowledge is glowingly obvious.
With that said, here is what I feel is the most impressive trait of Tony Robbins that radiates from this book:
He knew what he did not know.
This aspect is very important , but is often overlooked. What I mean by this is that sometimes we encounter professionals (in any arena) that like to portray themselves as being something they are not, but they will not admit it. What I like about this book is that Tony knew from the beginning that his specialty was not finance and he admits this immediately in the book, but what he does is amazing: He asks questions from the mindset of a student. He humbly admits he does not have the answers, but wants to learn and loudly declares that he wants to learn badly. He becomes a sponge, soaking in knowledge, and then becomes excited to be able to share it with you and I – and the world.
There is a word for this type of behavior. It is called ‘humility’, and Tony mastered it in this book. He admits that he does not have all the answers and needs help – so he went to the top minds in the world and sought it from them – and they took the opportunity to educate Tony in a way that has never been seen before, in my opinion. His humbleness and modesty is the key to his new book and I applaud him for showing a side of himself that is often never seen in today’s celebratory world.
Is the book well-written? Yes. Is the book full of great financial ideas? Absolutely. But, to me, the most impressive aspect of this book is that it is written from the viewpoint of a student and not from a teacher.