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The Top 3 Annuity Buyer Mistakes
There are plenty of misconceptions prevalent on how annuities work and whether or not you should own one. Quite frankly, research shows that there are plenty of benefits to owning an annuity depending on your circumstances. However, due to the misunderstandings that are present and the lack of proper education on the front-side, most retirees and pre-retirees still shun the thought of an annuity from the onset. According to a 2015 study, only 8% of American retirees receive income from a private annuity.
Should this number be larger? For retirees that want security and safety for their retirement income lifestyle, the answer is most likely a resounding yes! So, what should you do? Make sure you understand the annuity on the front side before you write it off completely, and avoid these common annuity buyer mistakes!

Top Annuity Products

Variable Annuities

Immediate Annuities


Fixed Index Annuities

Social Security Optimization


Life Insurance Strategy

Tagged annuities, income, lifestyle, owning an annuity, pre-retirees, retirement