What Role Does Social Security Play In Your Plan?

How Can Income For Life Help Me Understand Social Security

At Income For Life, we place a premium on providing education, free resources, and other tools — like annuities — to help you effectively plan for all of your retirement needs and wants. We can help you understand the role Social Security can play in your retirement by:

  • Offering easy access to resources about Social Security benefits and guidelines
  • Helping to ask the right questions about how Social Security fits into your plan
  • Informing you about retirement age guidelines and the risks and rewards of Delayed Retirement Credits
  • Providing information for unique and challenging situations such as a change in the marital status or employment income from your spouse
  • Offering guaranteed income for retirement through annuities
  • And more 

Will Social Security Provide Enough To Meet Your Needs?

Will it be enough to meet your desires for time with family or travel abroad? Chances are almost certain that it won’t. In recent decades, concerns about the reliability of Social Security have risen, and with good reason. In the coming years, Social Security benefits will likely continue to see a reduction as more people retire and a smaller group of younger workers takes charge of funding that program.

However, unlike some people might like you to believe, all is not lost and Social Security can still play an important role in successful retirement income planning, especially when it’s paired with other retirement savings tools like savings, 401k, IRA, or annuities. Income For Life can help you craft a plan that guarantees you income during your retirement.

Social Security Information and Resources From Income For Life

To learn more about Social Security and the kinds of decisions about it that you and your spouse will have to navigate, sign up to receive our free resources from the Roadmap to Retirement Vault from Income For Life. We’re here to help make sure your retirement income plan can meet your retirement expectations so you can stay retired.