The Magic 8 Ball’s Guide to Retirement Planning

Remember the thrill of shaking a Magic 8 Ball to get answers to your childhood questions? Would we ace that math test? Would we be famous someday? Well, today, we’re bringing a bit of that magic back. But instead of asking about pop quizzes and playground crushes, we’re turning to the Magic 8 Ball for advice on something much more important: your retirement planning! What would the Magic 8 Ball have to say about these common retirement questions if it had the wisdom of a financial advisor?
Of course, we’ll have our fan-favorite getting-to-know-you segment to kick off the show. We also have some fantastic quotes of the week by Will Rogers and Johnathan Swift to share with you. For this week’s mailbag question, Roger from Boise asks for advice on the best financial option to support their newborn grandson. For this week’s Retirement Ride Along segment, we talk about our trip to Los Cabos, Mexico.
Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:
- Get-to-know-you questions: Quotable movies, dislikes, recent ridiculous actions (3:42)
- Quotes of the week from Will Rogers and Johnathan Swift (22:45)
- Main topic: The Magic Eight Ball’s Guide to Retirement Planning (27:28)
- Mailbag: “My first grandson was just born, and I’d like to do something for him financially. Should I contribute to a college fund, buy a life insurance policy, or just buy some stocks?” (43:17)
- Retirement Ride Along: A vacation to Los Cabos, Mexico (48:00)
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The Grand Velas