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Mastering Retirement Cash Flow: Understanding Income

Today we’re diving into the crucial role of income analysis in retirement planning. We’ll uncover the secrets of guaranteed income versus the uncertain stuff and shed light on the consequences of retiring without a clear income plan. Don’t worry if you’re feeling lost – we’ve got your back with practical solutions and expert guidance. Tune in and take charge of your retirement cash flow!
Matt and Sam kick off this episode with some fun get-to-know-you questions before sharing two great quotes this week from Ryan Kiyosaki and Frank Clark. Then, they take a look at a Kiplinger article that talks about building your financial house from the ground up. Matt and Sam will also reflect on the importance of having a clear picture of your retirement income during the planning process and introduce an upcoming podcast segment based on the new Income For Life Affiliate Program.
For this week’s mailbag question, Vicki from Houston asks how to tell if a financial advisor is qualified or not. For this week’s Retirement Ride Along segment, Matt and Sam talk about the best place to eat steak in Kansas City.
Here’s what we’ll discuss on today’s show:
- Get-to-know-you questions: Favorite radio stations, last movie you went to see, what makes you laugh the most. (4:55)
- Kiplinger Article: How To Build Your Financial House From The Ground Up. (15:44)
- Main topic: What could happen if you don’t have a clear picture of your retirement income? (24:26)
- Main topic: Should you have income from a variety of sources? (26:19)
- Main topic: The paycheck vs. “playcheck” concept. (33:12)
- The Income For Life Affiliate Program. (36:56)
- Mailbag: “How can I tell if a financial advisor is qualified or not?” (41:11)
- Retirement Ride Along: The best place for steak in Kansas City. (50:05)
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Links From Today’s Show:
Kiplinger Article:
Stock Hill Steakhouse (Ask for Brett)