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Health Care Expenses Will Increase

Important Update For Your Financial Planning
In 2011, 74% of American employees had not considered a plan to cover health care expenses in their retirement income planning strategies . This is a key component of any well-conceived retirement plan, as health care expenses typically increase to represent a significant portion of a retiree’s income.
When creating a retirement income plan, it’s important to consider that a couple’s retirement assets may be diminished by the health care costs for the spouse who dies first. While you may end up spending less on things like travel and entertainment that when you first retire, be advised that medical and long-term care in your later years may require even more income.
Call Income For Life’s team toll free at 877-284-8929 today or fill out our online form , and tune in to Income For Life Radio to learn more about financial planning options with us.
Matt Nelson, president and host of Income For Life Radio
877-284-8929 toll free

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