Don’t Gamble With Your Nest Egg (The Special Election Edition)

Everyone loves a good game show. Whether it’s spinning the big wheel or hitting the buzzer with all the right answers. But what happens when people turn their retirement planning into a game? Spoiler alert: it’s not always a win! In this episode, we tackle the risky moves people make when they treat their finances like a game of chance.
It has been a crazy week here in our nation. That’s why, instead of our usual Retirement Ride Along segment, this will be a special election edition of the show. We thought it was important for us to take a moment to reflect and dive a little deeper into what these recent changes mean looking ahead.
As always, we’ve got some great getting-to-know-you questions, inspiring quotes of the week, and an interesting mailbag question to dive into. We hope you’ll tune in and join us!
Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:
- Get-to-know-you questions: Schools and career paths, nicknames, and more (9:36)
- Quote of the week from George Burns and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (20:39)
- Main topic: Don’t Gamble with your Nest Egg: Lessons From Your Favorite Game Show (22:41)
- Mailbag: “I stopped my 401(k) contributions due to election uncertainty, but since the market didn’t crash, should I start contributing again?” (35:11)
- Special Election Edition with Matt and Sam (39:32)
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