2 Reasons Why Proper Financial Planning Is Crucial

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. 2 Reasons Why Proper Financial Planning Is Crucial By: Income for Life January 15th, 2016 Before you begin thinking about how to start your retirement planning, it’s important that you understand why retirement planning is so important to your future (and your […]

The Different Types of Annuities

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. The Different Types of Annuities By: Income for Life December 22nd, 2015When it comes to investing in your retirement there is so very much to think about. This is because there are multiple ways to invest and it is rarely a simple […]

What To Look For In A Financial Planner

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. What To Look For In A Financial Planner When it comes to choosing a retirement planner it can be hard to know what to look for.  Because you are looking to have the best plans and protection for your money and investments, […]

The Reality of Retirement Planning for Millennials

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. The Reality of Retirement Planning for Millennials By: Income for Life December 15th, 2015For those of us in Gen Y the thought of retirement is just that: a thought. So it comes as no surprise that most Millennials aren’t planning or saving […]

More Retirement Planning Myths Debunked

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. More Retirement Planning Myths Debunked By: Income for Life November 25th, 2015In our last blog we began looking at some of the biggest myths surrounding the world of retirement planning. As we all know, planning for your retirement is now harder than […]

Don’t Believe These Retirement Planning Myths

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Don’t Believe These Retirement Planning Myths By: Income for Life November 15th, 2015It’s tougher than ever to plan for retirement these days. Whether you’re considering adding on an annuity to your existing retirement plan or just getting started with your retirement planning […]

There are Over 15,000 Retirement Annuity Plans…Which One Are You Choosing?

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. There are Over 15,000 Retirement Annuity Plans…Which One Are You Choosing? Did you know there are over 15,000 different annuity products and strategies on the market today? That number is simply too high for any one person to sit down and comb […]

Income For Life in Topeka Can Help Make Your Retirement Dreams a Reality

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Income For Life in Topeka Can Help Make Your Retirement Dreams a Reality By: Income for Life November 15th, 2015The plan you make for your retirement will depend largely on what you want your retirement to look like. When the Income for […]

How We Make Financial Planning Easier for Topeka Residents

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. How We Make Financial Planning Easier for Topeka Residents​ By: Income for Life October 10th, 2015Financial planning for your retirement  may seem like a luxury for many Topeka residents. After all, when you are struggling to pay your bills every month, the […]

Retirement Planning in Topeka for Those Who Start Late

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Retirement Planning in Topeka for Those Who Start Late By: Income for Life October 5th, 2015The best way to save for retirement is to start as early as possible. Of course, for many of us, that’s much easier said than done. Retirement […]


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Colton G.
Income For Life is an outstanding company and resource for finding the very best income solutions for folks across the country. I would recommend Income For Life to anyone who is looking to create a retirement income plan.
Dustin L.
Love the way this company uses its expertise to help others and use its platform to help others to become familiar, and a part of, Fold of Honor!
Mindy P.
Delightfully professional, persistent, and really absolutely excellent communication .