Annuities Explained: Immediate Annuities

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Annuities Explained: Immediate Annuities By: Income for Life April 20th, 2016As you read in our last two blogs about annuities, we are going to continue talking about the different types that someone that is planning for retirement could choose from. The understanding […]

Annuities Explained: Variable Annuities

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Annuities Explained: Variable Annuities Welcome back! In our last blog, we talked about the basics of annuities, and how they’re a retirement plan that goes untaxed, and pays an annual income. Essentially, it’s an investment in your future. But as the basics […]

Annuities Explained

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Annuities Explained When it comes to retirement planning, there are many different options you can take a look at and consider as your plan for retirement. However, once you’ve begun researching for the right fit, it can get difficult to decipher all […]

Why Life Insurance Is an Important Part of Financial Planning

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Why Life Insurance Is an Important Part of Financial Planning Life insurance is an important facet of your financial planning. Most people treat their life insurance as a way to pay for their funeral expenses after they’ve died, but the reality is […]

Why Doing Financial Planning On Your Own Isn’t In Your Best Interest

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Why Doing Financial Planning On Your Own Isn’t In Your Best Interest By: Income for Life March 1st, 2016 There are many people out there who are perfectly capable of handling their own financial planning. By and large, though, the average person […]

How the Right Annuity Could Help Support Your Spouse After You Die

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. How the Right Annuity Could Help Support Your Spouse After You Die By: Income for Life February 20th, 2016When choosing an annuity, you’ll need to take your spouse into consideration as well. The payout of your annuity will depend on your life […]

The Impact of Divorce on Your Retirement Planning

We Help You STAY Retired. Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. Contact For A Free Annuity & Retirement Report Top Rated National® Retirement Resource Retirement Income Calculator Do You Have Enough Monthly Income To Stay Retired? The Impact of Divorce on Your Retirement Planning By: Income for Life February 10th, 2016No one plans on […]

Realities of Planning for Retirement

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Realities of Planning for Retirement By: Income for Life February 4th, 2016For those in their 20’s , retirement is mostly in  the back of their minds. Many millennials are simply trying to get by and keep their head above water, so how […]

Why Singles Have a Harder Time With Retirement Planning

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. Why Singles Have a Harder Time With Retirement Planning By: Income for Life February 1st, 2016The Motley Fool, a website devoted to investing and finances, recently reported on data released by the Social Security Administration which noted that “non-married people face a […]

What is Financial Planning Anyway?

Retiring Is Easy, Staying Retired Is Difficult. We Specialize In Keeping You Retired. What is Financial Planning Anyway? By: Income for Life January 28th, 2016When it comes to financial planning, there are so many things to be considered. There’s different ways to create a financial plan, there’s different things to specifically save for, and there […]


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