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Retirement Rebels: Winning Your Financial Independence

In today’s episode, we’re tackling the concept of Financial Independence. While the American colonists fought for freedom from British rule, we’re here to discuss what you’re striving to be independent from in your retirement. We’ll unveil the common foes you’ll face on the journey. And good news, no muskets required for these battles!

Matt and Sam kick off this episode with some fun get-to-know-you questions before sharing this week’s quote of the week by Keith Cunningham. Then, they’ll take a look at two articles that discuss the recent downgrade of the United States’ credit rating. Matt and Sam also share their thoughts on controlling greed, fear, and other emotions in retirement planning.

For this week’s mailbag question, Sherry from Pittsburg asks if she should exit the market after narrowly avoiding recent drops. For this week’s Retirement Ride Along segment, Matt and Sam talk about their trip to Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  


Here’s what we’ll discuss on today’s show:

  • Get-to-know-you questions: Ideal date night, lessons learned during the pandemic, best place ever visited, and more. (7:59)
  • MarketWatch Article: “The U.S. Has Downgraded. How Much Does It Matter To Markets?” (23:46)
  • Controlling greed, fear, and other emotions in planning. (30:57)
  • Main topic: Winning your financial independence from the government, your family, debt, and more. (40:42)
  • Mailbag: “I almost got out of the market before it dropped down recently. Now I’m back to where I was before. Should I get out now?” (56:32)
  • Retirement Ride Along: Exploring Eureka Springs, Arkansas. (1:00:08)


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Links From Today’s Show: 

Retirement Ride-Along Photos:

MarketWatch Article:


The Angel At Rose Hall


Grotto Grill & Wine Cave


Cat House Lounge


Thorncrown Chapel


Cosmic Cavern